

Our participants feel measurable statistically significant benefits

Here at Brightsity we use an evidence based approach to produce real benefits for our participants. The results of our approach have been confirmed in thousands of participants in multiple countries.

Our Impact

While undertaking a Brightsity course, participants are asked to report how they are feeling. Below you can see as a percentage what our participants are gaining as a result of taking one of our courses.

Differences in participants

Research into the effectiveness of Brightsity courses has been conducted in universities, hospitals and corporations.

Increased levels of

  • Service Orientation
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork
  • Compassion for Others
  • Compassion for Self
  • Subjective Happiness

Decreased levels of

  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Racist Attitudes
  • Sexist Attitudes
  • Psychopathy

Psychometric Outcomes

All participants take a psychometric test before and after taking a course and can see the measurable benefits!

Research and Insight

Black Women, the Forgotten Survivors of Sexual Violence

Source: Psychology Benefits Society | Published: February 4, 2020 - 6:30 pm

The struggle to protect Black girls and women remains. Unfortunately, Black women remain vulnerable to sexual violence due to what we call intersectionality, the systematic oppression Black women experience based upon their race and gender. Here is what you can do to help.

How Psychologists and Peer Mentors Can Work Together to Fight Human Trafficking in the United States

How Psychologists and Peer Mentors Can Work Together to Fight Human Trafficking in the United States

How Psychologists and Peer Mentors Can Work Together to Fight Human Trafficking in the United States

How Psychologists and Peer Mentors Can Work Together to Fight Human Trafficking in the United States

How Psychologists and Peer Mentors Can Work Together to Fight Human Trafficking in the United States

How Psychologists and Peer Mentors Can Work Together to Fight Human Trafficking in the United States
